

发布时间:2024-02-07 09:42:17 人气:257


中国美学研究学者、故宫展高级策展人 。元宇宙中国画数字文化发起人,国瓷国茶书画院院长,张里建艺术慈善基金会理事长、中国书画家协会会员,中国收藏家协会会员,中国楹联学会会员、中国茶叶学会会员。

CCTV 艺术传承合作艺术家,中国书画艺术传承工作者,中国书画形象大使,他从小喜爱绘画和收藏,曾受国画大师黄宾虹 、傅抱石 、潘天寿 、张大千的艺术作品影响,对艺术孜孜不倦得追求,其画风结合国际艺术家毕加索、塞尚等前辈在绘画艺术,中西结合,独具特色。他的作品深受国内外收藏家喜爱。



Zhang Lijian is a renowned contemporary Chinese calligrapher and painter, with the courtesy name Shi Jin, the nickname Fisherman, and the nickname Shuang Song Zhai. Born in Wenzhou (Cangnan), Zhejiang.

Chinese aesthetic research scholar and senior curator of the Palace Museum exhibition. Founder of digital culture of Chinese painting in the metaverse, President of the National Porcelain and Tea Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Chairman of Zhang Lijian Art Charity Foundation, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Member of the ChineseCollectors Association, Member of the Chinese Couplet Society, and Member of the Chinese Tea Society.

CCTV Art Inheritance Cooperation Artist, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Inheritance Worker, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Image Ambassador. He has been fond of painting and collecting since childhood, and has been influenced by the art works of Chinese painting masters Huang Binhong, Fu Baoshi, Pan Tianshou, and Zhang Daqian. He tirelessly pursues art, and his painting style combines the painting art of international artists such as Picasso and C é zanne, combining Chinese and Western styles, and has a unique feature. His works are loved by collectors both domestically and internationally.

His new imagery paintings have high collection value. According to industry experts, the future trend of art collection will develop towards internationalization, and domestic investors will pay more attention to high-quality works from overseas. The value prediction of Zhang Lijian's works cannot be ignored compared to the works of foreign masters due to his unique colors and artistic techniques. It can be predicted that his works will have extremely high value.

The future value prediction of Zhang Lijian's works canalign with the valuation of works by masters such as Zhao Wuji,Wu Guanzhong, and Zhang Daqian. Regarding the future development potential of Zhang Lijian's works globally, there have been many internationally recognized public opinion and analysis reports, indicating that his works have high influence and development potential. His works always revolve around Chinese culture, history, and traditions, and are deeply loved by young audiences. Due to the high popularity and recognition of Zhang Lijian's works, he is an artist among the people and his works are highly popular in overseas markets.

世界的情绪 尺寸 130✕80 ㎝ 价格 78000

国色天香 尺寸 60✕38 ㎝ 由峤润集团林董收藏

超越空灵无限自在 65✕65 ㎝ 价格 8600

龙年大吉 尺寸 60✕38 价格 12800

圣诞快乐 尺寸 85✕60 ㎝ 价格 28980

百鸟归巢 尺寸 65✕65 ㎝ 由意念设计集团赖董收藏

地中海的浪漫 尺寸 65✕65 ㎝ 价格 28800

孔雀开屏 尺寸 60✕60 ㎝ 价格 22000

海是龙故乡 尺寸 65✕48 ㎝ 价格 16000

故乡的旧风景 50✕60 ㎝ 价格 28000

虚云和尚禅悟 尺寸 80✕60 ㎝ 由慈航爱心公益组织联合会收藏


观自在菩萨 尺寸 158✕40 ㎝ 价格 30000

花开富贵和日出 尺寸 80✕80 ㎝ 由乔顿集团沈应琴董事长收藏

一朵花香了一座城 该作品由慈善家谢秉政先生收藏
