

发布时间:2024-03-10 22:52:08 人气:254


  刘宗基,男,1948 年生,山东省潍坊市昌乐县人,自幼痴迷书法以隶篆见长,1992 年毕业于天津茂林书法学院,师从陈云君先生。



  2015 年获全国奖 16 个,2016 年获全国奖 20 个,2017 年获全国奖 10 个,其中滕王阁杯书法大赛两届一等奖,羲之杯书画大赛三届一等奖。2018 年在艺术之星中国书画年度人物大型网络书展中获金奖。2019 年受中国教育电视台《水墨丹青栏目》邀请,出版了个人专辑《水墨丹青名家名作》,深得业界好评。2019 年作品入选《中国书画百杰贺 2019 全国两会》网络专题特别报道 2019 年在【时代颂歌】中国书画名家贺建国 70 周年作品联展中,经评委会综合评定,荣获金奖并被评为:新时代杰出艺术家。2019 年作品《紫气东来》在中国教育电视台《泼墨中华情组委会》举办喜迎建国七十周年作品评选大赛中,荣获优秀奖。2020 年荣获“2020 中国书画年度人物”荣誉称号。2020 年参展作品在第十六届海峡两岸书画名家作品展活动中荣获银奖。2020 年作品《深以刻薄为戒》入展“大国礼赞杯“全国书法与美术大赛暨新媒体联合书画展。2021 年 7 月出版了大型作品集长观古今,刘宗基书法作品集!

  Liu Zongji, male, born in 1948, is from Changle County,Weifang City, Shandong Province. He has been obsessed with calligraphy since childhood and excels in seal script. He graduated from Tianjin Maolin Calligraphy Institute in 1992 under the guidance of Mr. Chen Yunjun.

  I am currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a director of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Poetry,Calligraphy and Painters Committee, and a member of the Chinese Education Television Ink Painting and Calligraphy Academy.

  I have been fond of calligraphy since I was young,specializing in seal and clerical script. I graduated from Tianjin Maolin Calligraphy Institute and studied under Mr. Chen Yunjun. My long works include the Thousand Character Classic,Tao Te Ching, Analects, Hundred Family Surnames, Heart Classic,Yueyang Tower Chronicles, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Lu Mengzheng's Cold Kiln Ode, and so on.

  In 2015, he won 16 national awards, in 2016 he won 20 national awards, and in 2017 he won 10 national awards. Among them, he won first prize in two editions of the Tengwangge CupCalligraphy Competition and first prize in three editions of the Xizhi Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition. In 2018,he won a gold medal at the Art Star China Calligraphy and Painting Annual Figure Large Online Book Exhibition. In 2019,he was invited by China Education Television's "Ink Painting Program" to publish his personal album "Famous Paintings by Ink Painting Masters", which received high praise from the industry.In 2019, his works were selected for the online special report of "Celebrating the Hundred Heroes of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting at the 2019 National Two Sessions". At the "Ode to the Times" joint exhibition of works by the renowned Chinese calligrapher and painter He Jianguo on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, after comprehensive evaluation by the judging committee, he won the gold award and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Artist of the New Era". In 2019, the work "Purple Qi Comes from the East"won the Excellent Award in the work selection competition held by the China Education Television "Splash Ink China Sentiment Organizing Committee" to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "2020 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Person of the Year". The exhibited works in 2020 wona silver award at the 16th Cross Strait Calligraphy and Painting Masters Exhibition. In 2020, his work "Deep Criticism as a Caution" was exhibited in the "Great Country Praise Cup"National Calligraphy and Art Competition and New Media Joint Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. In July 2021, he published a large-scale collection of calligraphy works from Liu Zongji,which covers the history and present!