

发布时间:2024-03-13 20:03:37 人气:222




  姜燕海,男,汉族,号:印平居士。正一派道士,号:玄鹤子。1963 年生于北京市供王寺。国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会北京分会会员,硕士,诗人。清华大学美术学院美术系客座教授,中央电视台(艺术名家)栏目组特聘艺术顾问。中央电视台(艺术传承)栏目客座教授。1986 年毕业于北京画院研修班。

  姜燕海擅画墨竹、荷花。师承文同、苏轼、徐渭、朱耷、郑板桥、董寿平、刘占江… 艺术风格简约、飘逸、空灵…1995 年在五台山大广宗寺出家学习密宗,三个后还俗。1996 年在北京灵光寺昄依佛祖,法名:印平。

  荣获:2018 年当代艺术领军人物;当代最具收藏艺术家…

  Jiang Yanhai, male, Han ethnicity, styled as Yin Ping Jushi. Zhengyi Sect Taoist, styled Xuanhezi. Born in 1963 at Gongwang Temple in Beijing. National first-class artist, member of the Beijing branch of the Chinese Artists Association,master's degree, poet. Visiting Professor at the Department of Fine Arts, School of Fine Arts,Tsinghua University, and Specially Appointed Art Consultant for the CCTV (Artists) Program Group. Visiting Professor of CCTV (Art Inheritance)Program. Graduated from the Beijing Academy of Painting Training Class in 1986.

  Jiang Yanhai is skilled in painting ink bamboo and lotus flowers. Learning from Wen Tong, Su Shi, Xu Wei, Zhu Da, Zheng Banqiao,Dong Shouping, Liu Zhanjiang... The artistic style is simple, elegant, ethereal... In 1995, he became a monk in Daguangzong Temple of Mount Wutai to learn the Esoteric Sect, and returned to the secular world after three years. In 1996, he worshipped Buddha at Lingguang Temple in Beijing, with the Dharma name of Yinping.

  Awarded: Leading figure in contemporary art in 2018; The most collectible contemporary artist