发布时间:2024-03-30 16:45:43 人气:273

田遐龄,男,1951 年生,大专文化,中共党员。
号无名楼主,布衣秀才,主攻草书和花鸟画。插过队,当过农民、工人、公务员。书法主要研习二王、柳公权、欧阳询、张旭、怀素和毛泽东书体。书画作品曾入选《中国书画家》、《中国书画报》、《中国艺术大家》、《一代巨匠》、《共和国美朮大典(中国书画国礼卷)》、《百年巨匠·中国艺术大典》、《中国书画范例》(与范曾、孙晓云、韩美林合集)、《中国艺坛两大家》(与孙晓云合集)、《喜迎二十大 中国功勋艺朮家田遐龄 范迪安》、《开局之年看中国.最具影响力的中国艺坛两大家.田遐龄 范曾》、《走向世界的艺术大师田遐龄 崔如琢》、《中国艺术大咖》(与孙晓云、沈鹏合集)、《鑒藏 . 中国近现代书画名家精品集》等书籍,并在中央书画频道、人民代表报、中华英才网、央媒文化视界、首都地铁线、收藏天下数字电视频道及人民日报网、纽约时代广场等大型媒体刊物报道。并在日本、澳大利亚、阿拉伯酋长国展出。还分别同崔如琢、何家英、叶培贵等名家作专题报道。


现为 CCTV 央视书画签约艺朮家,CCTV《艺朮名家》栏目特聘艺朮顾问,中国东方文化研究会书法研究员,中国国宾礼特邀艺朮顾问,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员,《书画艺术报》编委会副主任,楹联牌匾创作合作人,中国非物质文化遗产創新人才,中国服務贸易协会国际交流工作委员会会员,国家高级书法传承师,中华兰亭字库“田遐龄毛体字体设计师”,陕西省书法家协会会员、陕西毛体书法艺术研究院副院长兼汉中分院院长,中华卫视艺术风采栏目组会员,中国文联书画促进会会员。汉中市书协、美协会员。

Tian Xialing, male, born in 1951, has a college education and is a member of the Communist Party of China.

Nameless Landlord, a scholar in cloth, specializing in cursive script and flower and bird painting. I have joined theteam, worked as a farmer, worker, or civil servant. I mainly study calligraphy in the styles of Erwang, Liu Gongquan, Ouyang Xun, Zhang Xu, Huai Su, and Mao Zedong. His calligraphy and painting works have been selected in "Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper","Chinese Art Masters", "A Generation of Great Masters","Republic of China Art Festival (Chinese Calligraphy and Painting National Gift Scroll)", "Centennial Great Masters -Chinese Art Festival", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Examples" (collected with Fan Zeng, Sun Xiaoyun, and Han Meilin), "Two Great Masters of Chinese Art" (collected with Sun Xiaoyun), "Welcoming the 20th National Meritorious Artist Tian Xialing and Fan Dian", "Looking at China in the Year of the Beginning. The Two Most Influential Masters of Chinese Art:Tian Xialing and Fan Zeng", and "The Art Master Tian Xialing and Fan Dian Walking towards the World". "Ling Cui Ruzhuo","Chinese Art Masters" (collected with Sun Xiaoyun and Shen Peng), "Jiancang. Collection of Fine Works of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters" and other books have been reported in large media publications such as the Central Calligraphy and Painting Channel, People's Representative Daily, China Talent Network, Central MediaCultural Vision, Capital Metro Line, Collection of Digital Television Channel and People's Daily Network, Times Square in New York. And exhibited in Japan, Australia, and the Arab Emirates. He also gave special reports with renowned figures such as Cui Ruzhuo, He Jiaying, and Ye Peigui.

Mao calligraphy works have been selected as stamps in European countries such as France and Germany. The shrimp painting works have been collected by the Tokyo Art Museum, the Wu Daozi Art Museum, and the Hanzhong Museum in Japan. Received honorary titles such as "Famous Chinese Red Calligrapher","Artist of Merit for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", "Representative Artist of the National Art Circle", "Ambassador of Chinese Culture and Art Communication", "Artist of Merit for the Republic","Contemporary National Art Master", "Centenary Master - NewChina Art Master", "Famous Calligrapher and Painter of both Virtue and Art", "National Calligrapher and Painter Art Master","Ambassador of Sino Australian Cultural Friendship", "ASEAN Cultural and Art Exchange Ambassador", and "21st Century Chinese Cultural Celebrity".

I am currently a contracted artist for CCTV calligraphy and painting, a specially appointed art consultant for the CCTV "Artists" program, a calligraphy researcher for the China Oriental Culture Research Association, a specially invited art consultant for the Chinese State Guest Ceremony, a member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the China Couplet Society, a deputy chairman of the Editorial Board of the"Calligraphy and Painting Art Newspaper", a collaborator in the creation of couplets and plaques, an innovative talent for China's intangible cultural heritage, a member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association, a national senior calligraphy inheritor, a"Tian Xialing Maoti Font Designer" for the Chinese Lanting Font Library, a member of the Shaanxi Calligraphers Association, the Vice President and Dean of the Hanzhong Branch of the Shaanxi Maoti Calligraphy Art Research Institute, a member of the Art Style Program Group of China TV, and a member of the China Federation of Member of the Calligraphy and Painting Promotion Association. Member of Hanzhong Book Association and Art Association.