

发布时间:2024-04-02 00:08:10 人气:353


  杨建军,字沉墨,号秦野鲁人,1965 年生。中国当代实力派书法名家,金砖五国中国艺术形象大使。现为中国书法家协会会员、中国楹联学会会员、中国书画家协会名誉主席、中国国际艺术馆名誉馆长、中国国际艺术家协会艺术顾问等,国家特级书法师职称,国礼艺术家,擅长书法篆刻,治印千余方。作品多次在全国及国际书法大赛中获奖,2014年 9 月被授予“中华民族杰出艺术家”、2015 年 12 月 20日唯创金典·中拍国际 2015 秋季艺术品拍卖会上,其书法作品《天行健》和《静则养神》以 40000 元全部成交。2017年 1 月被中国美术教育委员会授予《全国书法培训十佳名师》,2019 年被中书协授予德艺双馨艺术家、被国家新闻中心授予 2019 年度功勋艺术家、2020 年 1 月 8 日应CCTV《智慧中国》栏目组特邀参加“2020 国际中国公益事业大典”,并被授予:“2019 年度最佳艺术家公益践行奖”。2019 年首届中国顶级书画大师大赛,其书法作品六尺草书横幅《天行健》荣获特等奖,并入选中国顶级书画国际巡展,先后在韩国首尔、意大利圣佛罗伦萨宫、美国纽约大都会博物馆隆重展出。巡展后该作品被意大利博物馆永久收藏,同年入选国家大型纪实期刊《世纪人物·书画专刊》封面人物,《大国外交·走向世界的人民艺术家》封底作品,2021《领航中国·当代艺术卷》封面人物,2022 年 8 月应国家文旅部金砖五国《国际艺术投资》组委会邀请,为《金砖五国艺术名家名作精选》题写书名,创作指定内容封底作品:《深化金砖伙伴关系,开辟更加光明未来》,荣获 2022 年第十四届金砖五国艺术名家,并授予杨建军“金砖五国中国艺术形象大使”。作为中国艺术形象大使,与中国书法家协会主席孙晓云、中国美术家协会主席范迪安、诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言,一同入选《中宣时代报》海外版,2022 年 10 月 10日刊,向海外 150 个国家发行,向党的二十大胜利召开献礼。同月由其书法作品《深化金砖伙伴关系,开辟更加光明未来》,制作的国礼玉盘被中国国家博物馆永久收藏和展出。2024 年 3 月,授予国家功勋模范人物。2023 年 5 月被授予“中国书画终身成就奖”。


  Yang Jianjun, with the courtesy name Chenmo and the courtesy name Qinyelu, was born in 1965. Contemporary Chinese calligrapher of great strength and ambassador of Chinese art image to the BRICS countries. I am currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the Chinese Couplet Society, the Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the Honorary Director of the China International Art Museum, and the Art Advisor of the China International Artists Association. I hold the title of National Special Calligrapher and am a National Ritual Artist. I am skilled in calligraphy and seal carving, and have over a thousand seals. His works have won numerous awards in national and international calligraphy competitions. In September 2014, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Artist of the Chinese Nation". On December 20, 2015, at the Weichuang Jindian Zhongpai International Autumn Art Auction, his calligraphy works "Tianxing Jian" and "Jingze Yangshen" were sold for 40000 yuan. In January 2017,he was awarded the "Top Ten Calligraphy Training Masters in China" by the China Academy of Fine ArtsEducation. In 2019, he was awarded the "Artist of Virtue and Art" by the Chinese Calligraphy Association, and the "Artist of Merit in 2019" by the National News Center. On January 8, 2020, he was invited by the CCTV"Smart China" program to participate in the "2020 International China Public Welfare Ceremony" and was awarded the "2019 Best Artist Public Welfare Practice Award". In the first China Top Calligraphy and Painting Masters Competition in 2019, his calligraphy work, the six foot cursive banner "Tianxingjian", won a special prize and was selected for the China Top Calligraphy and Painting International Tour. It has been grandly exhibited in Seoul, South Korea, the San Florence Palace in Italy, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, USA. After the exhibition tour, the work was permanently collected by Italian museums. In the same year, it was selected as a cover figure for the national large-scale documentary journal "Century Figures · Calligraphy and Painting Special Issue", a back cover work for "Great Power Diplomacy · People's Artists Going Global", a cover figure for "Leading China · Contemporary Art Volume" in 2021. In August2022, at the invitation of the International Art Investment Organizing Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, it wrote the title for"Selected Works of Art Masters of the BRICS Countries"and created a designated content back cover work:"Deepening BRICS Partnership and Opening up a brighte future". It was awarded the title of 14th BRICS Art Master in 2022 and was awarded the title of "BRICS China Art Image Ambassador" by Yang Jianjun. As the ambassador of Chinese art image, together with Sun Xiaoyun, Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Fan Dian, Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, and Mo Yan, Nobel laureate in literature,he was selected for the overseas edition of the Zhongxuan Times. It was published on October 10, 2022,and distributed to 150 countries overseas, paying tribute to the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In the same month, his calligraphy work "Deepening the BRICS Partnership and Opening up a brighter future" was used to create a national jade plate, which was permanently collected and exhibited by the NationalMuseum of China. In May 2023, it was awarded the"Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting".






