
2024 年中欧书画名家国际艺术线上交流展——何增祥

发布时间:2024-05-13 11:49:31 人气:259




  He Zengxiang, from Henan, China. I have never hadthe experience of painting since I was young, and Isuddenly became fascinated with it, perhaps due tofate. At that time, his paintings were voluntarilypresented to a prestigious local old painter, whoevaluated them as either abstract or impressionist.In fact, I don't understand what abstractionism orImpressionism are, but I believe there are two typesof painting methods now. One is tangible, and theother is intangible. Before painting, there werespecimens (mountains, rivers, flowers, people, etc.)to the highest level, which meant that the paintingwas the same as the real one. And the intangible hasno specimen, relying solely on inner observation andconcentration. Entering stillness, calmness, andstillness generates wisdom, experiencing the fusionof the heart and nature in stillness. Let nature takeits course, but it takes a certain amount of time.It is difficult to draw when the heart is not calm.It is also an insight into this painting technique.After years of painting, watching, and understanding,as well as countless revisions, I have createdmythological figures such as the Sunbird, FireDragon, and Sun Fruit. The Sunbird is a mythologicalbird known as the Dedao Divine Bird and theHierarchical Tathagata, which combines with the FireDragon to form one realm. In other words, the Sunbirdis the Fire Dragon and the Fire Dragon is the Sunbird.When the Sunbird wants to obtain the Virtuous SunFruit, the Fire Dragon appears in various forms ofconsciousness based on the Sunbird's mind, helpingthe Sunbird obtain the Sun Fruit. The sun fruit isactually the fire of metal, wood, water, fire, andearth, which is the original head of fire. In fact,it is also a fire dragon. When the fire dragon hasnothing to do, it emits a red round light like thesun. After receiving the red garden light, thesunbird took him to the sky. This is the sun bird inmythological legends. He brought light and warmth tothe earth and vitality to all things. Note; After theextinction of dinosaurs on Earth, people discovereddinosaur fossils and believed that there was adinosaur era on Earth. That sunbird used to exist onEarth, but now people have forgotten about it. I havedrawn it with my mind, from the sunbird laying eggs,the dragon, the sun fruit, and all the habits of thesunbird. I have also drawn it all, which can beconsidered as a new way for people to understand thereal sunbird. This is called planting with emotion,and the fruit is unique in the world. Suiyuan (purenatural painting)