聚焦——东方书画艺术瑰宝 顶级收藏投资风向标(邓尚齐)
发布时间:2024-08-09 00:25:19 人气:104
邓尚齐,男,汉族。1940 年 5 月 20 日生于四川省达州市。1963 年毕业于西南师范学院。国家一级美术师。擅长人物画,兼攻花鸟和山水画!自幼酷爱绘画,先后师从盛义积、傅潮波、白士政老师学习国画。现为中国美术家协会会员,中国东方红文化研究会社会艺术专业委员会研究员、黑龙江省中华炎黄文化研究会常务理事,炎黄书画院副院长!中华国礼画家。我是珍迹(杭州)书画院院士、江南翰林书画院院士!终身签约书画家!作品多次参加国家级、省级书画竞赛,多次获金奖和特别金奖!先后应邀参加:北京、曲阜、厦门、九江、杭州、贵阳等地颁奖活动!2022 年 5 月,我 35 幅画入编“盛世中国传承经典”珍藏邮票和邮票集全国发行!我的画作多次参加国内北京、曲阜、厦门、杭州、广州等地国际书画展!2024 年,我的画作“法国白求恩——贝熙业医生”应邀参加——新丝路国际艺术法国巴黎巡展!我有 10 多幅画正在参加“中国艺术名家海外展播工程——邓尚齐”!“开平碉楼,世界文化遗产”等八幅画作,2024 年 5 月在美国纽约时代广场播放!目前正在创作优质 AI 人物画专集。今后继续努力,紧跟时代,创作更多新作,遵循我的画作宗旨:“活到老,学到老,画到老,画作共赏”,实现我作一个人民画家的梦想!
Deng Shangqi, male, Han ethnicity. Born on May 20,1940 in Dazhou City, Sichuan Province. Graduated fromSouthwest Normal University in 1963. Nationalfirst-class artist. Skilled in figure painting,proficient in both flower and bird painting as well aslandscape painting! I have had a passion for paintingsince childhood and have studied traditional Chinesepainting under teachers Sheng Yiji, Fu Chaobo, and BaiShizheng. I am currently a member of the China ArtistsAssociation, a researcher at the Social ArtProfessional Committee of the China Oriental RedCulture Research Association, an executive director ofthe Heilongjiang Province Chinese Yanhuang CultureResearch Association, and the vice president of theYanhuang Calligraphy and Painting Academy! Chineseritual painter. I am an academician of Zhenji (Hangzhou)Calligraphy and Painting Academy and Jiangnan HanlinCalligraphy and Painting Academy! Lifetime contractartist! The work has participated in national andprovincial calligraphy and painting competitionsmultiple times, winning gold medals and special goldmedals! Invited to participate in award ceremonies inBeijing, Qufu, Xiamen, Jiujiang, Hangzhou, Guiyang andother places! In May 2022, 35 of my paintings will beincluded in the collection of stamps and stampcollections titled "Inheriting Classics in ProsperousChina" for nationwide distribution! My paintings haveparticipated in international calligraphy and paintingexhibitions in Beijing, Qufu, Xiamen, Hangzhou,Guangzhou and other places in China multiple times! In2024, my painting 'Norman Bethune from France - Dr.Bechiel' was invited to participate in the New Silk RoadInternational Art Exhibition in Paris, France! I haveover 10 paintings currently participating in the"Overseas Exhibition Project of Chinese Art Masters -Deng Shangqi"! Eight paintings including "KaipingDiaolou, World Cultural Heritage Site" will bebroadcasted in Times Square, New York, USA in May 2024!We are currently creating a high-quality AI characterpainting collection. In the future, I will continue towork hard, keep up with the times, create more new works,and follow my painting philosophy of "learning untilold age, painting until old age, and appreciatingpaintings together", realizing my dream of becoming apeople's painter!