

发布时间:2024-08-09 00:26:31 人气:134


盛杰远,字钱塘,号石空山人,1932 年 11 月生于浙江杭州。1949 年 5 月考入以陈毅元帅为校长的中国人民解放军华东军区军事政治大学并毕业。1959 年 10 月加入中国共产党。历任学员、区队长、政治干事、政治教导员、宣传科长、福州军区文化处长、俱乐部主任、南京军区美术创作员,享受正师级待遇。1988 年离职休养于福建省军区福州第二干休所。曾荣立三等功五次,荣获中央军委 1988 年颁发的中国人民解放军胜利功勋荣誉章一枚。




1932 年出生在杭州国立艺专孤山教工宿舍一个艺术家庭。

1938-1948 年青少年时期在杭州国立艺专,先后受到潘天寿、林风眠、刘开渠、关良、陆俨少诸前辈的教诲。

1949 年考入中国人民解放军华东军事政治大学。

1977 年福州军区政治部文化部主管部队美术创作和文化工作。


1985 年任南京军区正师职专业美术创作员,在福州举办《盛杰远画展》由陆俨少题展。任全军参加全国第六届美展作品评委。1986 年在南京举办大型个展。

1987 年在上海举办《盛杰远画展》程十发等出席;《屏障》入选庆祝全军建军 60 周年美展,《炯炯雄视卫海疆》入选中国文化部主办的全国庆祝建军 60 周年美展;《巍巍井冈》获全军第一届老干部书画展优秀奖《; 故乡》《山韵》《融雪之忆》在美国丹佛市、西雅图和加拿大多伦多市巡展。



1989 年《第四十个春天》《日月潭的传说》入选全国第七届美展;加入中国美术家协会。1991 年《红石谷》《天地玄黄》参加秘鲁国家博物馆当代中国名家美术作品邀请展,作品被收藏。

1992 年《山魂》入选香港中文大学美术系当代国际水墨画创新与发展邀请展;《寿而康》获全年“保健杯”美术作品展览一等奖。

1993 年在香港铜灿艺术馆举办盛杰远画展;《山韵》参加中国台湾台中首都艺术中心 93 年中国墨彩新脉动大型联展。

1994 年在香港艺术馆举办彩墨山水作品个展。

1995 年出席香港市政局主办的《20 世纪中国绘画研讨会》,在福州举办《95 盛杰远·陈书瑛墨彩近作展》。

1997 年《归航》彩墨画参加中国文化部迎接香港回归全国美术作品展,获优秀奖;《东海卫士》获省建军 70 周年大型书画作品展优秀奖。

1998 年《孺子牛》等 5 幅中国画作品义卖得款捐赠南京军区抗洪救灾。

1999 年中国文化部文化艺术人才中心授予“东方之子”荣誉称号。

2000 年《盛杰远·陈书瑛伉俪画展暨画集》首发式在福州画院举行。

2001 年《屹立千秋》入选南京军区庆祝建党 80 周年美术作品展,获优秀奖。


2002 年被南京军区授予“老干部书画先进工作者”荣誉称号。

2004 年深圳市虫二斋美术馆举办《著名军旅画家——盛杰远山水画展》。

2005 年任福建省画院特聘画师,《烽火岁月》被《解放军报》刊登。

2007 年由西泠印社主办在北京中国美术馆《盛杰远、陈书瑛、盛雄远》中国画联展。

2008 年四川汶川地震《中华腾飞》《江山多娇》两幅作品所得善款 5 万元人民币全部捐献给灾区人民;在厦门中国伯雅艺术馆主办《盛杰远画展》。

2009 年《解放军画报》第八期刊登盛杰远画作专版。

2010 年受聘于北京中国红旗将军书画院为荣誉院士;文化部艺术人才研究中心评定为国家一级美术师。

2011 年受聘于中国文化部中外文化交流中心国韵文华书画院为特聘书画家。

2012 年《青山如画》入选福建省美协举办的《意之大者—— 首届福建省写意画展》;获奖作品《根》《第 40 个春天》参加庆祝福建画院成立 30 周年画展;发表论文《浅谈中国画的意境美》,出版《盛杰远画选》。


2013 年在杭州唐云艺术館举办由陆俨少题签《盛傑遠画展》隆重举行。

2013 年天津人民美术出版社出版《当代中国国画艺术名家集粹——盛杰远》;《盛杰远画展》在杭州唐云艺术馆隆重举行《;美术报》刊登专版,《中国书画报》专版刊登报导介绍《盛杰远回乡国画展》;上海松江程十发艺术馆主办《盛杰远中国画作品展》并出版画集。2014 年中国文学艺术研究会授予《国家文化人物》荣誉称号,并被评为“中国艺术品最具收藏与投资的百名艺术家”。受邀参加中央文化部 2014 年全国美术馆馆藏精品展以《散锋简笔》专题研究程十发的纪念活动,为此撰文《程十发入闽故事三则》入编《程十发笔墨·艺术文献集》中。为宋庆龄基金会《大爱之光》救助贫困儿童所作山水画《青山白云万里空》(8 平尺)义卖所得人民币八万元全部捐赠。

2015 年纪念抗日战争胜利 70 周年,受中国军事博物等多家单位之约,盛杰远冒着高温连续创作了《毋忘国耻》《烽火岁月》《大刀曲》等多副作品,参加各大单位的大型展览。福建老年报 8 月 15 日以《“拼命三郎”绘抗战题材》为题专刊予报导。9 月 3 日与福建省军区老年书画家一道去基层部队,现场泼墨挥毫作画 28 幅慰问官兵。


2016 年庆祝建党 95 周年,分别创作了《东方红》《你是灯塔》《南湖红船》《葵花向阳》《巍巍井冈》等多幅作品,参加了全国全军各单位大型展览。由中国毛泽东思想研究院组织的庆祝中国工农红军长征胜利 80 周年书画大家的中国画《毛泽东“长征”诗意画》荣获金奖,并评为十大爱国爱军艺术家。山水画《清溪曲》参加《大爱无疆》公益义卖活动获人民币 5 万元,全部捐赠扶助贫困山区。

2017 年 9 月 7 日,第九届《金砖国家》峰会在厦门召开,盛杰远代表中国与俄罗斯瓦德里·列德涅夫、巴西维克·穆尼斯、印度阿图尔·都迪亚、南非威廉·肯特里奇荣获《金砖艺术家》殊荣,颁发奖杯并出版了画册。为迎接 10 月 18 日党的十九大胜利召开,创作了《党恩》《不忘初心》《光辉人生》等 6 幅主题画,参加全国全军的大型展览获好评。《福建老年报》9 月 12日以《丹青不知老将至——86 岁军旅画家侧记》给以专题报导。11 月 23 日乔迁新居,盛杰远精心创作了《梦圆西子》(112x245公分)大幅山水画悬挂客厅,以示庆贺。


2018 年由中国艺术百科特邀文化部、中国文联和中国美协组成评委高票当选为《中国梦艺术家》(全国共 50 名)。手卷《晚香居阁》(47x200 公分)选中国美协主办的《披阁揽胜一一当代中国名家手卷学术邀请展》(共百位名家)。《溪山晴露阁》(68x136公分)入选北京李可染画院主办的《大器风范——当代中国画坛代表性名家学术邀请表》(共百位名家)。《山高水长》(136x68 公分)入选福建省美协主办的《闽山闽水——当代山水画名家艺术邀请展》。《巍巍井冈》(200x70 公分)《泉壑飞瀑阁》(136x68 公分)人选《福建省军区纪念改革开放 40 周年书画展》。10 月 31日《东南前哨》以《丹青不知老将至,铁马冰河忆少年》发表专题介绍。12 月 5 日北京观复美术院以《丹青问道观复雅集》专题介绍《中国山水画名家——盛杰远》。2019 年为庆祝新中国成立 70 周年,受中国长城学会,军事博物馆及福建省军区之邀,分别创作了《祖国万岁》《日出东方》和《高山仰止》三幅主题画参展。1 月 13 日由中国宋庆龄基金委员会举办征集热心公益的知名画家捐赠书画委托雅昌拍卖余创作之《青山叠翠》山水画(68x136 公分)拍卖成交所得73600 元人民币善款全部捐赠川芷贫困山区希望工程。4 月 25日成功组织了由福建省军区老干部文化活动中心主力的《庆祝国庆 70 周年京剧演唱会》。《熔炉铸军魂翰墨写春秋一一盛杰远回忆录》于 5 月出版。经中国文化艺术节组委会海选荣获 2019年第七届中国文化艺术终身成就最高艺术《金猪奖》。

2020 年为纪念抗日战争胜利 75 周年!《大刀曲》《烽火岁月》《毋忘国耻》三幅作品参加北京中国军事博物舘全军大型展览!其中大刀曲被评为优秀创作奖!

2021 年为庆祝伟大的中国共產党涎辰 100 周年!《环球赤》《日出东方》《屹立千秋》三幅作品參加由福建省军区举办的大型主题性画展在福建省美术展览馆展出!历时半个月!

2022 年为纪念抗美援朝胜利!由南京军区老战士書画协会主办!作品《光辉人生》入选展出获一等奖!

2023 年中国美术家协会和中国邮政总局出版《江山如此多娇》棈美大型邮册!盛杰远荣获新时代人民艺术家荣誉称号!

2024 年由中国纪录影片厂编导的大型影碟片《文脉中華大国人才一一艺术名家盛杰远碟片出版!有 20 家新闻媒体报导!

Sheng Jieyuan, also known as Qiantang and Shikongshan Ren, was born in November 1932 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In May 1949, he was admitted to and graduated from the Military and PoliticalUniversity of the East China Military Region of the People'sLiberation Army, with Marshal Chen Yi as the president. He joinedthe CPC in October 1959. Formerly served as a student, districtcaptain, political officer, political instructor, propagandadepartment chief, cultural director of Fuzhou Military Region, clubdirector, and art creator of Nanjing Military Region, enjoying thetreatment of division level. In 1988, he resigned and rested at theFuzhou Second Cadre Rest Center of the Fujian Provincial MilitaryRegion. He has been awarded the Third Class Merit five times andwas awarded the Chinese People's Liberation Army Victory MeritMedal by the Central Military Commission in 1988.

Military professional painter, senior member of China ArtistsAssociation, national first-class artist, academician of China Red FlagGeneral Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, and vicechairman of China Artists Federation. In his youth, he studied at theNational Art College in Hangzhou and was influenced by themasters of art such as Pan Tianshou, Lin Fengmian, and Liu Kaiqu. Later, he was personally taught by teachers Lu Yanshao, ChengShifa, and Zheng Naixian, and he met the famous Taiwanese painterLiu Guosong, who was both a teacher and a friend, promoting eachother. Dedicated to exploring the traditional and modern, Easternand Western, ink and color, concrete and abstract aspects ofChinese landscape painting for decades, with remarkableachievements. His works are characterized by outstandingpersonality, grandeur, vividness, noble taste, strong artistic, academic, forward-looking, and intrinsic qualities, making him oneof the most influential and representative contemporary Chineselandscape painters.


Born in 1932 into an art family in the Gushan FacultyDormitory of Hangzhou National Art College.

During his teenage years from 1938 to 1948, he studied at theNational Art College in Hangzhou and received teachings from hispredecessors such as Pan Tianshou, Lin Fengmian, Liu Kaiqu, GuanLiang, and Lu Yanshao.

In 1949, he was admitted to the East China Military andPolitical University of the People's Liberation Army of China.

In 1977, the Cultural Department of the Political Departmentof the Fuzhou Military Region was in charge of military art creationand cultural work

In 1984, "Root" won the Excellent Award at the Military ArtExhibition and was published in the People's Liberation ArmyPictorial; The work "Professional Household" was selected for the6th National Art Exhibition.


In 1985, he served as a professional art creator in the NanjingMilitary Region and held the "Sheng Jieyuan Painting Exhibition" inFuzhou, which was titled by Lu Yanshao. Ren Quanjun participatedas a judge for the 6th National Art Exhibition.

In 1986, a large-scale solo exhibition was held in Nanjing.

In 1987, Cheng Shifa and others attended the "Sheng JieyuanPainting Exhibition" held in Shanghai; "Barrier" was selected as anart exhibition to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding ofthe entire military, and "Jiong Jiong Xiong Shi Wei Hai Jiang" wasselected as a national art exhibition to celebrate the 60thanniversary of the founding of the military hosted by the Ministry ofCulture of China; "Weiwei Jinggang" won the Excellent Award at theFirst Military Cadre Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

"Hometown", "Mountain Rhyme", and "Memories of MeltingSnow" toured in Denver, Seattle, and Toronto, Canada.

1988 "Star Rope" and "The Rhythm of the Plateau"participated in the Korean International Ink Painting Exhibition andwere published.

In 1989, "The 40th Spring" and "The Legend of Sun MoonLake" were selected for the 7th National Art Exhibition; Join theChinese Artists Association.


In 1991, "Red Stone Valley" and "The Dark Yellow of Heavenand Earth" participated in the invitation exhibition of contemporaryChinese art works at the National Museum of Peru, and their workswere collected.

In 1992, "Mountain Soul" was selected for the ContemporaryInternational Ink Painting Innovation and Development InvitationExhibition of the Department of Fine Arts at the Chinese Universityof Hong Kong; "Longevity and Health" won the first prize in theannual "Health Cup" art exhibition.

In 1993, the Sheng Jieyuan Painting Exhibition was held at theTong Can Art Museum in Hong Kong; "Mountain Charm" participated in the 1993 China Ink Color New Pulse large-scale jointexhibition of Taichung Capital Art Center, Taiwan, China, China.


In 1994, a solo exhibition of colorful ink landscape works washeld at the Hong Kong Museum of Art.

In 1995, he attended the "20th Century Chinese PaintingSeminar" organized by the Hong Kong Municipal Council and heldthe "95 Sheng Jieyuan Chen Shuying Ink Color Recent WorksExhibition" in Fuzhou.

In 1997, the ink painting "Returning Home" participated in theNational Art Exhibition of the Ministry of Culture of China towelcome Hong Kong's return and won the Excellent Award; "TheGuardian of the East China Sea" won the Excellent Award at theProvincial Army 70th Anniversary Large scale Calligraphy andPainting Exhibition.

In 1998, the proceeds from the charity sale of five Chinesepainting works including "Ruzi Niu" were donated to the NanjingMilitary Region for flood control and disaster relief.

In 1999, the Cultural and Art Talent Center of the Ministry ofCulture of China awarded the honorary title of "Son of the East". The inaugural ceremony of the 2000 Sheng Jieyuan ChenShuying Couple Painting Exhibition and Collection was held atFuzhou Painting Academy.

In 2001, "Standing firm for a Thousand Autumn" was selectedfor the Nanjing Military Region Art Exhibition to celebrate the 80thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China andwon the Excellent Award.

In 2002, he was awarded the honorary title of "Senior Cadreexemplary individual in Calligraphy and Painting" by the NanjingMilitary Region.


In 2004, the Shenzhen Chongerzhai Art Museum held the"Famous Military Painter - Sheng Jieyuan Landscape PaintingExhibition".In 2005, he was appointed as a specially appointed painter byFujian Provincial Academy of Painting, and "Years of Warfare" waspublished in the People's Liberation Army Daily.

In 2007, the Chinese Painting Exhibition "Sheng Jieyuan, ChenShuying, Sheng Xiongyuan" was hosted by the Xiling Seal EngravingSociety at the China Art Museum in Beijing.

In 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan provinceresulted in two works, "China Soars Up" and "The BeautifulMountains and Rivers", which received a donation of 50000 RMBand were all donated to the people in the disaster area; Hosted the"Sheng Jieyuan Painting Exhibition" at the China Boya Art Museumin Xiamen.

In 2009, the Eighth Journal of the People's Liberation ArmyPictorial published a special edition of Sheng Jieyuan's paintings.

In 2010, he was appointed as an honorary academician at theChina Red Flag General Calligraphy and Painting Academy in Beijing;The Art Talent Research Center of the Ministry of Culture has beenrated as a national first-class artist.


In 2011, he was hired as a specially appointed calligrapher andpainter at the Guoyun Wenhua Calligraphy and Painting Institute ofthe China Foreign Cultural Exchange Center under the Ministry ofCulture.

In 2012, "Qingshan Ruhua" was selected for the "The GreatArtist - The First Fujian Freehand Painting Exhibition" organized bythe Fujian Artists Association; The award-winning works "Root" and"40th Spring" participated in the art exhibition celebrating the 30thanniversary of the establishment of Fujian Academy of Painting;Published a paper titled "On the Artistic Beauty of Chinese Painting" and published "Selected Paintings by Sheng Jieyuan".

In 2013, the "Sheng Jieyuan Painting Exhibition" was grandlyheld at the Tangyun Art Museum in Hangzhou, signed by LuYanshao.

In 2013, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House published"A Collection of Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters - ShengJieyuan"; The Sheng Jieyuan Painting Exhibition was grandly held atthe Tangyun Art Museum in Hangzhou. The Art Newspaperpublished a special edition, while the China Calligraphy and PaintingNewspaper published a report introducing the Sheng JieyuanReturning Home National Painting Exhibition; Shanghai SongjiangCheng Shifa Art Museum hosted the "Sheng Jieyuan ChinesePainting Exhibition" and published a collection of paintings.


In 2014, the Chinese Literature and Art Research Associationawarded the honorary title of "National Cultural Figures" and wasawarded the title of "Top 100 Artists with the Most Collected andInvested Art in China". Invited to participate in the 2014 NationalArt Museum Collection Fine Arts Exhibition of the Ministry ofCulture to study the commemorative activity of Cheng Shifa withthe theme of "Scattered Fronts and Simple Brushes". For thispurpose, I wrote an article titled "Three Stories of Cheng Shifa'sEntry into Fujian" and included it in the "Cheng Shifa Brush and InkArt Literature Collection". All proceeds from the charity sale of thelandscape painting "Qing Shan Bai Wan Li Kong" (8 square feet)created by the Song Qingling Foundation to assist impoverishedchildren with "The Light of Great Love" were donated in the amountof RMB 80000.

In 2015, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victoryof the War of Resistance Against Japan, Sheng Jieyuan braved hightemperatures and created several works, including "RememberingNational Shame", "Years of War", and "Big Knife Song", at theinvitation of several Chinese military museums and otherinstitutions. He participated in large-scale exhibitions organized byvarious institutions. Fujian Elderly Daily reported on August 15thwith a special issue titled "Desperate Three Langs Painting AntiJapanese War Themes". On September 3rd, I went to the grassrootstroops with elderly calligraphers and painters from the FujianProvincial Military Region, splashing ink and painting 28 pictures toconsole the officers and soldiers.


In 2016, to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding ofthe Communist Party of China, he created several works, including"The East is Red", "You Are a Lighthouse", "Red Boat on South Lake", "Sunflowers Facing the Sun", and "Weiwei Jinggang", andparticipated in large-scale exhibitions across the entire military andvarious units. The Chinese painting "Mao Zedong's Poetic Paintingof the Long March", organized by the Chinese Academy of MaoZedong Thought to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory ofthe Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Long March, wonthe gold medal and was named one of the top ten patriotic andmilitary loving artists. The landscape painting "Qingxi Qu" participated in the "Boundless Love" charity sale and received RMB50000, all of which were donated to help impoverishedmountainous areas.

September 7, 2017, the 9th BRICS Summit was held inXiamen. Sheng Jieyuan, representing China, along with Russia'sWadry Lednev, Brazil's Vic Munis, India's Artur Dudia, and SouthAfrica's William Kentrich, won the honor of BRICS Artists, presentedtrophies, and published albums. To welcome the successfulconvening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party ofChina on October 18th, six themed paintings were created,including "Party Grace", "Never Forget Our Original Aspiration", and"Glorious Life". They participated in large-scale exhibitionsthroughout the country and received high praise. On September12th, the Fujian Elderly Daily gave a special report titled "A BriefAccount of an 86 Year Old Military Painter in the UnknownGeneral's Arrival". On November 23rd, when he moved to his newhome, Sheng Jieyuan meticulously created a large landscapepainting called "Dream of the Round West" (112x245cm) to hang inthe living room as a celebration.


In 2018, the Chinese Art Encyclopedia invited the Ministry ofCulture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and ChinaArtists Association to form a panel of judges and was elected as the"Chinese Dream Artist" (a total of 50 artists nationwide) with highvotes. The hand scroll "Evening Fragrance Residence Pavilion"(47x200 cm) was selected from the "Pi Ge Ran Sheng - Contemporary Chinese Famous Masters Hand Scroll AcademicInvitation Exhibition" hosted by the China Artists Association (atotal of 100 famous masters). "Xi Shan Qing Lu Ge" (68x136 cm)was selected for the "Great Art Style - Representative Masters ofContemporary Chinese Painting Academic Invitation Form" hostedby Beijing Li Keran Painting Academy (a total of 100 masters). "TheMountains and Waters are Long" (136x68 cm) was selected for the"Min Mountains and Min Waters - Contemporary LandscapePainting Masters Art Invitation Exhibition" hosted by the FujianArtists Association. "Weiwei Jinggang" (200x70 cm) and "QuangouFeipu Ge" (136x68 cm) were selected for the "Fujian Military RegionCommemorating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening upCalligraphy and Painting Exhibition". On October 31st, "SoutheastFrontier" published a special introduction titled "Painted Youth, Unknown Old General Arrives, Iron Horse and Ice River RemembersYouth". On December 5th, Beijing Guanfu Art Academy presented aspecial presentation on "Sheng Jieyuan, a Famous ChineseLandscape Painter" with the theme of "Danqing Asking for GuanfuElegant Collection".

In 2019, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding ofthe People's Republic of China, at the invitation of the Great WallSociety of China, the Military Museum, and the Fujian ProvincialMilitary Region, three themed paintings were created and exhibited,including "Long Live the Motherland", "Sunrise in the East", and"High Mountains Stopping". On January 13th, the Song QinglingFoundation of China organized a solicitation for donations ofcalligraphy and painting by renowned artists who are enthusiasticabout public welfare. They entrusted Yachang to auction off thelandscape painting "Green Mountains and Cuicui" (68x136 cm)created by Yu. The proceeds from the auction were 73600 RMB, and all the donations were donated to the Hope Project in theimpoverished mountainous areas of Sichuan and Zhizhou. On April25th, a Beijing Opera Concert celebrating the 70th anniversary ofNational Day was successfully organized, led by the Fujian MilitaryRegion Veterans Cultural Activity Center. The memoirs of ShengJieyuan, written in calligraphy and written in the furnace to cast thesoul of the army, were published in May. After being selected bythe organizing committee of the China Cultural and Art Festival, itwas awarded the highest lifelong achievement art award of the 7thChina Cultural and Art Festival in 2019, the Golden Pig Award.


In 2020, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the victoryof the Anti Japanese War! The three works of "Da Dao Qu", "Yearsof Warfare", and "Never Forget National Shame" participated in thelarge-scale exhibition of the Chinese Military Museum in Beijing!Among them, Da Dao Qu was awarded the Excellent CreationAward!

In 2021, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the greatfounding of the Communist Party of China! The three works of "Global Red", "Sunrise in the East", and "Standing for a ThousandAutumn" were exhibited at the Fujian Provincial Art Exhibition Hallin a large-scale thematic art exhibition organized by the FujianProvincial Military Region! It took half a month!


In 2022, to commemorate the victory of the Korean War!Organized by the Nanjing Military Region Veterans Calligraphy andPainting Association! The work "Glorious Life" was selected forexhibition and won first prize!

In 2023, the China Artists Association and the GeneralAdministration of Posts of China will publish a beautiful large-scalealbum titled "Jiangshan So Many Beauties"! Sheng Jieyuan wasawarded the honorary title of New Era People's Artist!

In 2024, the large-scale film "Cultural Heritage of China: Talentof the Great Country - Artist Master Sheng Jieyuan" directed byChina Documentary Film Studio was published! It has beenreported by 20 news media!