聚焦——东方书画艺术瑰宝 顶级收藏投资风向标(潘书祥)
发布时间:2024-08-14 12:37:08 人气:76
潘书祥先生以其精湛的技艺、生动的气韵、真挚的情感以及深远的影响,成为了当代书坛上的一颗璀璨明珠。他的书法作品不仅是对传统书法的继承与发扬,更是对当代书法艺术创新与发展的一次有力探索与实践。我们有理由相信,在未来的日子里, 潘书祥先生的书法艺术将继续焕发出更加璀璨的光芒,为中华文化的传承与发展作出更大的贡献。
潘书祥,编审,1945年生于河北邯郸广平县。毕业于北京外国语大学英语系和美国圣母大学管理学院,管理科学硕士。曾任全国科学技术名词审定委员会常务副主任、《中国科技术语》 执行主编,并曾兼任马来西亚华语规范理事会顾问、中国管理科学学会副会长、中国辞书学会常务理事、中国术语标准化技术委员会副主任和中国电工术语标准化技术委员会副主任。在职期间 组织开展了数十个学科的名词审定统一工作和两岸科技名词的 对照统一工作,为保障国家书同文、物同名,为汉语文化的健康发展及传播做出了突出贡献。
在全国性书法大赛中多次获得金奖、特等奖及荣誉称号,并 入编许多书刊报纸及网络和展馆。现为中国国际文化交流中心理 事,中央国家机关书法家协会会员,中国书画收藏家协会会员, 中国通俗文艺研究会理事,香港电视台签约艺术家,国艺委书画 艺术博物馆名誉馆长,国际名人百科主席,中国企业文化促进会 中小企业文化专业委员会高级艺顾问,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会常务理事,国礼艺术家,香港中国书法家协会副秘书长。
CCTV- 智慧中国推荐,国礼文化网聘为特邀顾问并授予国宝级艺 术大师荣誉称号。中宣部和北京市对外文化交流中心授予"中国国家形象世界传播大使”荣誉称号,以及欧洲艺术协会颁发欧中 文化交流友好使者和欧洲艺术骑士勋章。中国国粹艺术鉴定委员 会评审通过的中国国粹书法艺术传承人,2012年入选中华文化 名人堂。2022年7月还被中国艺术名家档案中心批准加入中国 艺术名家档案馆。2023年初,作品入编国家文旅部文化艺术中 心编纂、中国文史出版社出版的“三名工程”(名家名篇名作)。同 年还入编了改革办及国家发改委组织的、中国文联出版社出版的“领航中国彪炳史册艺术人物志”。中国书法家协会主席孙晓云先 生在该刊物上对其作品如此评说:“潘书祥教授是一位知识、修养很全面的艺术家,作品充满着深厚的文化底蕴,其书法个性鲜明,神采飞扬,文字精练,涵义深刻,从中可以看出厚积薄发的文化修养。观潘教授的作品,其色,其形,其浓淡枯湿,其断连 辗转,粗细藏露皆变数无穷,气象万千。字形正倚交错,大大小小,开开合合,线条粗细变化明显,跌宕有致。既有性情又不失法度,线条纯净,意趣高妙,字如其人。”作品被人大会堂、中 南海等多个单位、展馆收藏。
Pan Shuxiang,editor and reviewer,was born inGuangping County,Handan,Hebei Province in 1945.
Graduated from the Department of English at Beijing Foreign Studies University and the School of Management at Notre Dame University in the United States,with a Master's degree in Management Science.Formerly served as the ExecutiveVice Chairman of the National Science and TechnologyTerminology Review Committee,Executive Editor of ChinaScience and Technology Terminology,and also served as an advisor to the Malaysian Chinese Language Standardization Council,Vice President of the Chinese Management Science Society,Executive Director of the Chinese LexicographicalSociety,Deputy Director of the China TerminologyStandardization Technical Committee,and Deputy Director of the China Electrical Terminology Standardization TechnicalCommittee.During my tenure,I organized the standardization of terminology for dozens of disciplines and the comparison and unification of cross-strait scientific and technologicalterminology,making outstanding contributions to ensuring that national books have the same language and objects have the same name,and to the healthy development and dissemination of Chinese culture.
Has won multiple gold awards,special prizes,andhonorary titles in national calligraphy competitions,and has been included in many books,periodicals,newspapers,online platforms,and exhibition halls.I am currently a member ofthe China International Cultural Exchange Center,theCalligraphers Association of Central State Organs,theChinese Calligraphers and Painters Collectors Association,the Chinese Popular Literature and Art Research Association, a contracted artist for Hong Kong Television,the HonoraryDirector of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Museum of theNational Arts Council,the Chairman of the InternationalCelebrity Encyclopedia,the Senior Art Advisor of the Smalland Medium sized Enterprise Culture Professional Committee of the China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association,
the Executive Director of the Calligraphy Art ResearchAssociation of the China Couplets Association,a National Gift Artist,and the Deputy Secretary General of the Hong KongChinese Calligraphers Association.CCTV Smart Chinarecommends,Guoli Culture Network hires as a special invited consultant and awards the honorary title of National Treasure level Art Master.The Central Propaganda Department andthe Beijing Foreign Cultural Exchange Center have awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador of China's National Image to the World",and the European Art Association haspresented the European Chinese Cultural ExchangeFriendship Ambassador and the European Art Knight Medal. The inheritor of Chinese national calligraphy art,approved by the Chinese National Essence Art Appraisal Committee,was selected for the Chinese Culture Hall of Fame in 2012.In July 2022,it was also approved by the Chinese Art MastersArchive Center to join the Chinese Art Masters Archive.Inearly 2023,the work was included in the "Three Projects"(Famous Works of Famous Masters)compiled by the Cultural and Art Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism andpublished by the China Literature and History Press.In the same year,it was also included in the "Leading China'sGlorious Historical Art Figures"organized by the Reform Office and the National Development and ReformCommission and published by the China Federation ofLiterary and Art Circles Press.The sentence is:.Mr.SunXiaoyun,Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, commented on Professor Pan Shuxiang's works in thispublication as follows:"Professor Pan Shuxiang is an artist with comprehensive knowledge and cultivation.His works are full of profound cultural heritage,and his calligraphy has adistinct personality,shining spirit,concise words,andprofound meanings.From this,we can see the accumulatedcultural cultivation.Looking at Professor Pan's works,hiscolors,shapes,shades,dryness,and wetness are infinite,with variations in thickness and dew.The shapes of the characters are intertwined,big and small,opening and closing,and the thickness and thickness of the lines change significantly,with ups and downs.He has both temperament and regularity,with pure lines and high interest.The characters arejust like his person.Collected by multiple units and exhibition hallssuch as the National People's Congress Hall and Zhongnanhai.