

发布时间:2024-12-29 13:08:50 人气:180


  崔学民:国家一级美术师,中央美院、中国美院、清华美院客座教授,牛津艺术学院博士生导师,俄罗斯艺术科学院荣誉院士,国务外交礼品师,一带一路文化形象大使,中法文化交流大使,享受国家艺术津贴专家,文化学者,中国动物画名家、书法家、曲艺家、剧作家、评论家。作品多次参加国内外各类书画大展赛,并获多项金奖。千余幅作品被国家政府机关、博物馆、驻外使馆及国内外友人收藏,诗书画印、诗词歌赋、文学戏曲俱佳,曾在越南、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大、法国、俄罗斯、意大利、马耳他、希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙等国家举办书画展览。2003 年被授予陕西省第三届德艺双馨艺术家称号,2009 年被授予建国六十周年全国十大杰出青年书法家称号,2023 年被授予中国百杰书画家称号,2024 年 3 月荣登全球艺术家百强榜,2024 年 5月荣获泰国首届时代艺术金笔奖,2024 年 8 月全国首届书画华彩盛典荣获全国非物质文化杰出传承奖,并被孔子奖章组委会聘为访问学者,2024 年 9 月获第三届莫奈国际艺术金奖。2024.10 荣获国际毕加索艺术、绘画大赛(总决赛)金奖。因其家学渊源,滋养深厚,在长期坚持文学、戏剧、曲艺作品创作的同时,对中国画山水、人物、花鸟也有涉猎,重点研习掌握了飞禽走兽技法并得其画理精髓,尤其以动物画擅长。其飞禽走兽栩栩如生,笔墨劲道,鸾飘凤泊,清新淡雅,令人喜爱。他笔下的骏马,笔墨精妙,气韵生动,神采奕奕,动感十足,劲健有力,充满了马的精气神和勇往直前的奋斗精神。国宝网评价崔学民先生是中国艺术的传播者,传统文化的继承者,国际文化的促进者。

  Cui Xuemin: national first-class artist, guest professorof the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Chinese Academy of FineArts, and Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, doctoral supervisorof the Oxford Academy of Arts, honorary academician of theRussian Academy of Arts and Sciences, state diplomatic giftteacher, cultural image ambassador of the the Belt and Road,ambassador for cultural exchanges between China and France,experts enjoying national art subsidies, cultural scholars,Chinese animal painting masters, calligraphers, quyi artists,playwrights, and critics. The works have participated invarious calligraphy and painting exhibitions at home and abroadmultiple times, and have won multiple gold awards. More thana thousand works have been collected by national governmentagencies, museums, embassies abroad, and friends at home andabroad. They are excellent in poetry, calligraphy, painting,printing, poetry, songs, and literature and opera. They haveheld calligraphy and painting exhibitions in Vietnam, Japan,Australia, Canada, France, Russia, Italy, Malta, Greece, Spain,Portugal and other countries. In 2003, he was awarded the titleof "Artist of the Third Era of Virtue and Art" in ShaanxiProvince. In 2009, he was awarded the title of "Top TenOutstanding Young Calligraphers in China for the 60thAnniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China".In 2023, he was awarded the title of "Top 100 ChineseCalligraphers and Painters". In March 2024, he was listed onthe Global Artists List. In May 2024, he won the first Time ArtGolden Pen Award in Thailand. In August 2024, he won theNational Intangible Cultural Heritage Award at the firstNational Calligraphy and Painting Huacai Festival. He was alsohired as a visiting scholar by the Confucius Medal OrganizingCommittee. In September 2024, he won the third MonetInternational Art Gold Award. Won the gold medal in theInternational Picasso Art and Painting Competition (Finals) onOctober 2024. Due to his family background and profoundnourishment, he has long been committed to creating literary,dramatic, and folk art works. At the same time, he has alsodabbled in Chinese painting of landscapes, figures, flowers,and birds, focusing on studying and mastering the techniquesof birds and animals, and mastering their painting principles.He is particularly skilled in animal painting. Its flying birdsand beasts are vivid and lifelike, with powerful brushstrokesand fluttering phoenixes, fresh and elegant, making people loveit. The galloping horse in his pen is exquisitely written, witha vivid aura, full of vitality, vigor and power, filled withthe spirit of a horse and the fighting spirit of moving forwardcourageously. Guobao Network evaluates Mr. Cui Xuemin as adisseminator of Chinese art, inheritor of traditional culture,and promoter of international culture.