

发布时间:2024-03-11 20:43:27 人气:302


  刘建辉;中国人,1951 年出生,书画家,学者。艺名字号;飞天篆,梅花庵主。大学本科毕业。博士学位。国家一级书法师、国家一级美术师、国家一级书画师。高级美术导师。世界非物质文化传承人。饱览名山大川人物之神韵,流畅于笔墨之端,创作和培养了自己独特的艺术风格。书法中力求圆韵婉转,清韵秀雅。绘画中力求大气磅礴,韵味独具。创作和培养了自己独特的艺术风格。集平生所学而创作的{飞天篆书法} {飞天仙子图}。自成一派《新古派创始人》自成一格。代表作有《十二属相百字图》《福禄寿喜乐凤神佛图》《和平万岁系列图》《戏荷系列图》《二十四节气仙子图》。

  Liu Jianhui; Chinese, born in 1951, calligrapher, painter,scholar. Stage name and brand; Flying seal, plum nunnery master.Graduated from university. A doctorate. National first-class calligraphist, national first-class artist, national first-class calligraphist. Senior art instructor. Inheritors of the world's intangible culture. Enjoy the charm of famous mountains and rivers, smooth in the pen and ink, create and cultivate their own unique artistic style. In calligraphy, we strive to be round, graceful and elegant. The painting strives to be grand and majestic, with unique charm. He created and cultivated his own unique artistic style. Set life learned and created {flying seal script} {flying fairy graph}. Founder of the New Ancient School is a book of its own. The representative works are "Twelve signs of 100 characters", "Fu Lu Shou joy Phoenix God Buddha", "Long live peace series", "play lotus series", "twenty-four Solar terms fairy".

  2005 年 8 月《第三界当代中国文人书画艺术北京邀请展》荣获:“金奖”。授于“中国当代优秀书画艺术家”。

  2006 年 5 月《2006 任伯年杯全国书画大展赛》荣获:“优秀作品一等奖”。2006 年 7 月编入《当代名家》书画系列第一集。百虎图、百龙图被国家邮政总局选中印制邮票和明信片全球发行,并注册了专利。

  2007 年 1 月《艺术丰碑,中国书法史籍》全国书画大赛评选中荣获:“金奖”。授于“21 世纪杰出艺术家”。

  2007 年 1 月《岁月如歌,当代老年书画艺术》全国书画大赛评选中荣获:“金奖”。

  2007 年 8 月《庆祝香港回归 10 周年书画名家精品大典》全国书画大赛评选中荣获:“金奖”。授于“中国当代优秀书画艺术家”。

  In August 2005, "The Third Contemporary Chinese literati Painting and Calligraphy Art Beijing Invitational Exhibition"won: "Gold Medal". Awarded to "Chinese contemporary outstanding painting and calligraphy artists". In May 2006,"2006 Ren Bonian Cup National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Competition" won: "Excellent works first prize". In July 2006, it was compiled into the first collection of Contemporary Famous Artists. Hundred tiger map and hundred dragon map were selected by the State Post Administration to print stamps and postcards for global distribution, and registered patents. In January 2007, "Art Monument, Chinese Calligraphy History Book" won the "Gold Medal" in the national painting and calligraphy competition. Awarded "Outstanding Artist of the 21st Century". In January 2007, "Years like songs,Contemporary elderly painting and Calligraphy Art" won the"Gold Medal" in the national painting and calligraphy competition. In August 2007, "Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong painting and calligraphy Masters Boutique Ceremony" won the "Gold Medal" in the national painting and calligraphy competition. Awarded to "Chinese contemporary outstanding painting and calligraphy artists".

  2008 年 8 月作品选入《民族魂,夕阳情中国老年书画摄影作品选集》。

  2008 年 10 月《魅力夕阳书画展》全国书画大赛评选中荣获:“金奖”。授于“最具魅力老年书画家”。

  2008 年 11 月《纪念 5。12 大地震抗震救灾专题书画(北京)邀请展》全国书画大赛评选中荣获:“金奖”。授于“当代爱心艺术大使”。

  2008 年 12 月《中国书画家优秀作品赴欧洲八国展览》评选中荣获“金奖”。授于“中国知名书画家”。

  2009 年 1 月《人民伟大、中华荣光、水墨丹青庆华诞》全国书画大赛评选中荣获“金奖”。授于“中华艺术杰出成就人物”。

  2009 年 2 月《当代中老年书画家优秀作品赴东南亚及欧洲各国交流巡展》评选中荣获“金奖”。授于“中国知名书画家”。

  2009 年 10 月《七律。人民解放军占领南京》全国书画大赛评选中荣获:“金奖”。授于“中国书画艺术领域百杰”。

  In August 2008, his works were selected into the "National Soul,Sunset Love Chinese elderly painting and photography works".In October 2008, won the "Gold Medal" in the selection of the National painting and Calligraphy Competition of the Charming Sunset Painting and Painting Exhibition. Awarded to "the most charming elderly calligrapher and painter". In November 2008,won the "Gold Medal" in the selection of the National Painting and Calligraphy Competition in Commemoration of the 5.12 Earthquake Relief Special Painting and Calligraphy (Beijing)Invitational Exhibition. Awarded "Contemporary Love Art Ambassador". In December 2008, won the "Gold Medal" in the selection of "Excellent Works of Chinese calligraphers and Painters to eight European Exhibitions". Awarded to "Famous Chinese calligraphers and painters". In January 2009, "The Great People, the glory of China, the Celebration of the birthday of Ink painting and Painting" won the "Gold Medal" in the national painting and calligraphy competition. Awarded to"Outstanding achievements in Chinese art". In February 2009,it won the "Gold Medal" in the selection of "Excellent Works of Contemporary middle-aged and elderly calligraphers and Painters to Southeast Asia and European countries". Awarded to "Famous Chinese calligraphers and painters". In October 2009,"Seven Laws. The People's Liberation Army occupied Nanjing" won the "Gold Medal" in the national painting and Calligraphy competition. Awarded "One hundred Masters in the field of Chinese painting and Calligraphy".

  2010 年 5 月《优秀书画家赴韩国交流活动》评选中荣获:“一等奖”。

  2010 年 10 月定为《国家一级书画师》。

  2011 年 1 月第六届《欧阳询奖》全国书画大赛中获得“一等奖”并授予“中国当代书画大家”。

  2011 年 7 月《民族魂》纪念辛玄革命 100 周年海内外书画名家邀请展中评定为“金奖”授于“中华民族杰出书画家”。

  2011 年 10 月《首届陶瓷书画艺术珍品展》评定为“金奖”。授于“陶瓷艺术大师”。

  2013 年 10 月《中国书画名家赴法国交流展》评定为“金奖”。授于“中法文化交流使者”荣誉称号。

  2014 年 5 月《沃尔杯》优秀作品邀请展中评定为“金奖”。授于“中国当代知名艺术家”。

  2014 年 5 月中蒙《马文化》书画艺术交流展中评定为“金奖”。授于“中蒙文化友好交流使者”“中华书画年度最美创新人物”。

  In May 2010, won the "First prize" in the selection of"Excellent Calligraphers and Painters to Korea Exchange Activities". In October 2010, it was designated as "Nationalfirst-class calligraphy and painting Artist". In January 2011,the sixth "Ouyang xun Award" National painting and calligraphy competition won the "first prize" and awarded the "Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy master". In July 2011,"Soul of the Nation" was awarded the "Gold Medal" in the Invitational Exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Xinxuan Revolution and was awarded the "Outstanding calligraphers and painters of the Chinese nation". In October 2011, "the first Ceramic painting and Calligraphy Art Rare Exhibition" was assessed as "Gold Medal". Awarded to "Master of Ceramic Art". In October 2013, "Chinese calligraphy and painting masters to France Exchange Exhibition" was assessed as "Gold Medal". Awarded the honorary title of "Sino-French Cultural Exchange Envoy". In May 2014, it was rated as "Gold Medal" in the "Wall Cup" excellent works invitation exhibition.Awarded to "Famous contemporary Chinese Artists". In May 2014,it was rated as "Gold Medal" in the Sino-Mongolian "Horse Culture" painting and calligraphy art exchange exhibition.Awarded as "Messenger of Sino-Mongolian Cultural Friendly exchange" and "the most beautiful innovative Figure of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Year".

  2014 年 6 月《第四届北京·柏林国际书画艺术联展》评定为“金奖”并授予“中德艺术交流使者”。

  2014 年 9 月海峡两岸书画交流展《德耀中华》 评定为“金奖”并授予“海峡两岸艺术文化交流大使”。

  2015 年 3 月第三届《和美西藏》 评定为“金奖”并授予“和美西藏--文化交流艺术大使”。


  在 2015 年中国企业报道。艺术资本。2015 年第 164 期发表。

  2016 年 4 月《第六届中国书画世界行》书画大展赛,评定为“金奖”并授予“二十一世纪中华国宝级书画人才”。

  2022 年 7 月。《大美中国·第 7 届中新书画名家作品展》艺术交流活动中,被评为“新中文化特使”荣誉称号。

  2023 年 12 月编入“新中国书画发展史”。

  2024 年 2 月荣获:“中国书画终身成就奖”。

  In June 2014, the Fourth Beijing Berlin International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition was awarded the "Gold Medal" and awarded the "Sino-German Art Exchange Envoy". In September 2014, the Cross-Strait painting and calligraphy exchange exhibition "Deyao China" was assessed as "Gold Medal" and awarded as "Cross-Strait art and Culture Exchange Ambassador". In March 2015, the third "Peace Tibet" was awarded the "Gold Medal" and awarded the "Peace Tibet - CulturalExchange Art Ambassador". Work. "Long Live Peace", "Play Lotus","24 Solar Terms fairy" and other series of calligraphy and painting. In 2015 China Enterprise report. Artistic capital.Issue 164, 2015. In April 2016, the "Sixth Chinese Calligraphy and Painting World Tour" calligraphy and painting Exhibition competition was assessed as "Gold Medal" and awarded "21st century Chinese National treasure calligraphy and painting talent". July 2022. In the art exchange activities of "Great America China · the 7th China-New Painting and Calligraphy Masters Exhibition", he was awarded the honorary title of "New Chinese Cultural Envoy". In December 2023, it was compiled into the "Development History of New China's Painting and Calligraphy". In February 2024, he won the "Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy".


  寄托了中国彪悍的游牧民族千年丰碑。一个个鲜活的形象,身姿气韵,规模宏大的人类文化的光耀,长久的被留住在人间。咫尺之间,融合贯通了各派之间的矛盾,创造出了 ‘飞天篆’书法。在艺术宝库中,不易磨灭的方式流传了历代书体的影子和她的气质,面孔,形态之微妙的变化。将中国式的帝王气派与世界古典文学和现代文化融为一体。以帝王将相,群臣佐佑,服务众生,完美造化,意义重大的改革创新,迎合了追求神似的审美。在生活化,世俗化的道路上,光彩无瑕迈出了关键性的一步。这种气运,不但得到人类的认可,而且成为新文化的标识。

  Liu Jianhui's calligraphy painting; Achieve an unprecedented style in a continuously changing pattern. An important turning point in the history of the development of Chinese writing has become the guardian of human loneliness, Jumei's constantly changing neoclassical culture. The vast vicissitudes of the ancient Great Wall culture, a variety of beautiful images of nature, Sustains the millennium monument of China's fierce nomads. One fresh image, posture and charm, the brilliance of human culture on a grand scale, have been retained in the world for a long time. Within a short distance, the contradictions between the factions were integrated and the "flying Seal"calligraphy was created. In the treasure house of art, in an indelible way, the shadow of the past dynasties and her temperament, face, and subtle changes in form. It integrates the Chinese imperial style with the world classical literature and modern culture. With emperors and ministers, ministers andministers, serving sentient beings, perfect creation,significant reform and innovation, caters to the pursuit of the aesthetic resemblance. On the road of life and secularization,Luster Flawless has taken a key step. This kind of qi is not only recognized by human beings, but also becomes the symbol of new culture.


  With the integration of ancient Greece, there is a myriad of Han and Tang ethnic strong and fresh taste, with the oppression and majesty of the main imperial power, creating a new cultural style, creating a free and broad space for the development of writing. Man and God are one, stepping into greater glory.Meilun Mobil is famous for its fine carving and fine chisel and ornate decoration. It's perfectly reflected here again.Reminiscent of the cultures of ancient countries, many curvy and plump flying shapes strongly show the image and will of ancient Greece, ancient India, and Xianbei people with vitality and human beauty. Into the magnificent Chinese history of thousands of years. In the treasure house of art, we capture the shadow of the disappeared nomads, the faces in dignity and prestige, and create a vivid expression that embodies the feeling of this, and will forever remain in this eternal history.

  有着大唐民族气质婉约的风格,如同带着北方的剑和马呼啸而来勇士们,为中国历史推开了盛世大典行进的大门。又有多少体态轻盈女性妩媚的神态,灵活含蓄,庄严典雅,肃穆之感,婀娜之态当隐含着几许飞天,刻画出了变化亦方亦圆的篆书慈祥姿态。中华民族靠人的主观愿望,犹如燕项优美大力士,有气的贯通,浑然一体。与体态优美,婀婀多姿的女神,融入理想世界与现实生活的完美结合在一起,清晰的感受到影响深远的王朝文化,大唐帝国的辉煌。营造出了凌空翱翔,手持箜篌,法锣,羯鼓 ,西天极乐世界里,万人成仙的景象。莲花盛开,乘风而去的丝绸之路,融入了各国之间相辅相成的文化。

  The Tang Dynasty has a graceful style of national temperament,as with the sword and horse roaring in the north of the warriors,for Chinese history to open the door of the grand ceremony. Andhow many body light feminine feminine expression, flexibleimplicit, solemn and elegant, solemn sense, graceful state whenimplied how many flying sky, depict the change also square also round seal character kind gesture. The Chinese nation depends on the subjective desire of people, just like the beautiful Yanxiang strongman, there is gas through, integrated. With the beautiful and colorful goddess, the perfect combination of the ideal world and real life, clearly feel the far-reaching dynasty culture and the brilliance of the Tang Empire. Create a soaring, holding Konghou, gong, Capricorn drum, the west heaven paradise, ten thousand people become immortal scene. The Silk Road, with lotus flowers in full bloom, has been integrated into the mutually reinforcing cultures of various countries.




  Liu Jianhui created the "flying Seal Style" calligraphy that he had learned all his life. The Founder of the New and Ancient School. Has become an integral part of Chinese culture. The body is different, lifelike, witnessing the Zen culture to the glorious course. Withstood the rain, snow, wind and frost of the world, the true meaning of emptiness. Liu Jianhui writes paintings and paintings write books. Write mountains write water write earth. Drawing books, drawing articles. "Flying Seal Style" is interlinked with world culture. [Plum Seal]represents landscape, [bird seal] represents flowers and birds,[flying seal] represents characters. Landscape, flowers and birds, human beings, the three conform to the combination of nature, and at the same time coincide with the Zen thought.Hailed as another perfect marriage between man and science.With twists and turns, ethereal, cultural enthusiasm of the ink,presented in front of people's eyes. What is Earth culture? The memory of the Wolf. In today's world to touch the history, in the weeds, the history of the cloud, silence after thousands of years, shake off the dust of history, with a new era of cultural face light posture, facing the new today's world.

  2024 年 2 月 23 日 February 23, 2024