发布时间:2024-01-23 01:57:52 人气:333

赵连甲,男,汉族。1947 年 8 月生,字砚农、燕农,别号墨痕斋主,北京昌平阳坊镇四家庄人。赵连甲系中共党员。中国民主建国会会员。著名书法家、诗人、文艺评论家、书画鉴赏家、收藏家。当代著名文化大师、书法大家、教育家欧阳中石先生入室大弟子。1982年毕业于首都师范大学中文系,现任中国人民解放军三军仪仗队文化顾问。国防大学文化艺术中心顾问。中国建设书法家协会会员。北京中国书法研究社社员,北京中山书画院成员,中国国家博物馆(微博)画廊艺术委员。曾任中国质量报社工商部主任,主任编辑。2007 年退休以来,又相继受聘为中国国际商会,中国社会工作联合会,中国国宝工程基金等若干家机构文化艺术顾问。2021 年以来,受聘担任北京中宣盛世国际书画院理事。入选《大国风范-聚焦中国当代人民功勋艺术家》入编人物。2021 年 12 月以来,又陆续被授予中国人民艺术家,中国艺坛风云人物,国宝级艺术大师等荣誉称号由 2022 年初,赵连甲开始出任亚洲书画家协会主席。北京大学艺术学院客座教授。清华大学美术学院客座教授。中央美术学院客座教授,走向世界的中国艺术家。德艺双馨艺术家。2023 年 5 月,赵连甲受聘为北京人民大会堂首席艺术顾问,获中国非遗传承大师荣誉称号,获得首席外交文艺家称号,中华艺术杰出传承人称号,影响世界十大金牌艺术家称号,一带一路中国文化形象大使称号。评选出赵连甲为 2003 年度全球十大杰出人物。
Zhao Lianjia, male, Han ethnicity. Born in August 1947, with the courtesy names Yannong and Yannong, also known as Mokenzhaizhu, from Sijiazhuang, Yangfang Town, Changping, Beijing. Zhao Lianjia is a member of the Communist Party of China. Member of the ChinaDemocratic Construction Association. Famous calligrapher, poet, literary critic, painting and calligraphy connoisseur, collector. Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi, a renowned contemporary cultural master, calligrapher, and educator, became his eldest disciple. Graduated from the Chinese Department of Capital Normal University in 1982, currently serving as the Cultural Advisor of the Honor Guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Advisor to the Cultural and Art Center of National Defense University. Member of the China Construction Calligraphers Association. Member of Beijing Chinese Calligraphy Research Society, member of Beijing Zhongshan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, and art committee member of the Gallery of the National Museum of China(Weibo). Formerly served as the Director and Chief Editor of the Industry and Commerce Department of China Quality Newspaper. Since retiring in 2007, he has been employed as a cultural and artistic consultant for several institutions, including the China International Chamber of Commerce, the China Federation of Social Work, and the China National Treasure Engineering Fund. Since 2021, appointed as a director of Beijing Zhongxuan Shengshi International Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Selected as a character in "Great Country Style - Focusing on Contemporary Chinese People's Meritorious Artists". Since December 2021, Zhao Lianjia has been successively awarded honorary titles such as Chinese People's Artist, a prominent figure in the Chinese art industry,and a national treasure level art master. Since the beginning of 2022, he has been appointed as the Chairman of the Asian Calligraphers and Painters Association. Visiting Professor at the School of Art, Peking University. Visiting Professor at the School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University. Visiting Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a Chinese artist who has gone global. Artist with both virtue and art. In May 2023, Zhao Lianjia was employed as the chief art adviser of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and won the honorary title of Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritance master, the title of chief diplomatic artist, the title of outstanding inheritor of Chinese art, the title of the world's top ten gold medal artists, and the title of Chinese cultural ambassador along the the Belt and Road. Zhao Lianjia was selected as one of the top ten outstanding figures in the world in 2003.
