

发布时间:2024-01-23 21:41:05 人气:299




  牛洪,现任中国白溪书画院会员,国家一级书法研究员,男,1959年 12 月 22 日出生于革命军人家庭。19 76 年 12 月参军入伍,1990 年转业至云南省烟草公司工作,现已退休。自幼酷爱书法艺术,數年如一日,勤学苦练中华传统书法,辛勤耕耘。先后参加过多种书画大赛,深受同行们,书画爱好者喜欢和评委们一至好评,早年曾参加全国青年硬笔书法家大赛,获授硬笔书法四段。平时喜欢行书书法,取百家之长,不断练习,参加过全国的书法大赛,获得过二等奖。书法作品曾入编《两岸美术献礼中共二十大两岸书画名家精品集》、入编《两岸美术纪念抗美援朝胜利 70 周年两岸书画名家精品集》,2021年被传统文化研究学会、文化艺术人才库授予 2021 年度优秀书画家。中国书画家联谊会会员。

  2023 年度投资论坛【当代艺术大师】。其特点笔法自然有力,墨法流畅,章法布局合理!字型结构严谨!给人以精美的艺术享受!展现出端庄,大气,创新相结合,柔美刚劲,气势宏伟!意境高雅醇厚,彰显出其雄厚的书法底蕴!风格独特,展现自我,韵味深长。

  Niu Hong, currently a member of the Baixi Calligraphy and Painting Academy in China, is a national first-class calligraphy researcher. He was born on December 22, 1959, into a family of revolutionary soldiers. I joined the military in December 1976 and transferred to work at Yunnan Tobacco Company in 1990. I have since retired. I have been passionate about calligraphy art since childhood, and have been studying and practicing traditional Chinese calligraphy diligently for several years. I have participated in various calligraphy and painting competitions, which have been well received by mypeers, calligraphy and painting enthusiasts, and judges. In my early years, I participated in the National Youth Hard Pen Calligrapher Competition and was awarded the title of Four Sections of Hard Pen Calligraphy. I usually enjoy running calligraphy, taking the strengths of a hundred schools,constantly practicing, and have participated in national calligraphy competitions, winning second prizes. Calligraphy works have been included in the "Cross Strait Fine Arts Gift Collection of Famous Calligraphers and Painters on Both Sides of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and the "Cross Strait Fine Arts Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Korean War". In 2021, they were awarded the title of Outstanding Calligrapher and Painter of the Year by the Traditional Culture Research Society and the Cultural and Art Talent Pool.Member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association。

  2023 Investment Forum: Contemporary Art Masters. Its characteristic strokes are natural and powerful, ink strokes are smooth, and the layout of the composition is reasonable!The font structure is rigorous! Give people exquisite artisticenjoyment! Showcasing a combination of elegance, grandeur,innovation, softness, and strength, with a grand momentum! Theartistic conception is elegant and mellow, showcasing its strong calligraphy heritage! Unique style, showcasing oneself,with a profound charm.