

发布时间:2024-02-07 02:06:09 人气:289


  沈志昂,1952 年生,汉族,江苏省苏州人。自幼受家庭熏陶,酷爱书法艺术。沈志昂先生的作品师古不泥、挥洒自如、飘逸舒展、点画劲挺、和谐呼应、浑然一体、妙趣无穷、美不胜收。作品在国际和国家级大赛中多次夺冠,博得有关领导和艺术界的高度关注。在书法艺术上取得了杰出成就,为国家争得了荣誉。作品在世界最高艺术殿堂法国卢浮宫、美国纽约、日本、韩国、北京人民大会堂等地展出和收藏。被国家博物馆、国家图书馆等收藏机构收藏。


  Shen Zhiang, born in 1952, Han ethnicity, from Suzhou,Jiangsu Province. Influenced by family since childhood, Ihave a passion for calligraphy art. Mr. Shen Zhiang's worksare timeless, effortless, elegant and graceful, withstrong dots and harmonious echoes, seamlessly integrated,endlessly fascinating, and breathtaking. The work has wonmultiple championships in international and nationalcompetitions, attracting high attention from relevantleaders and the art community. Has achieved outstandingachievements in calligraphy art and won honors for thecountry. The works are exhibited and collected in theworld's highest art temple, the Louvre in France, New York,Japan, South Korea, and the Great Hall of the People inBeijing. Collected by collection institutions such as theNational Museum and National Library.

  Awarded honors such as "Top Ten Military and CivilianArtists", "National Treasure Artist", "Top 100 Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters in Prosperous Times", "Chinese Calligraphers and Painters with Both Virtue and Art", and"Outstanding Calligraphers and Painters Touching China".


  法度严谨师碑帖 正大气象写正宗


  书法作为中国文化的艺术瑰宝,需进法度传承,并且进行笔墨创新,才能作出笔墨当随时代美学新造诣。当代著名书法家沈志昂先生,受家庭的艺术熏染,自幼酷爱书法艺术,他的书法传承经典,以碑帖为准则,修炼正宗。笔墨一气呵成,上下贯穿,收放自如,疏密得体,实有正宗书法的气韵神态,其作品在诸多大赛中屡屡夺冠,且被广泛收藏,取得了极高的艺术地位,在艺术界以德艺双馨而闻名,中书协主席苏士澍感其造诣非凡,曾作长文予美誉,可见其书法功入主流,绝非俗家。他的书法涉及楷书、行书、草书等诸体,深通各书体精妙所在皆 得造诣。技法富有专业性,书多而不杂浅,成为博涉多优的大手笔。





  2020 年 3 月 16 日

  Rigorous Dharma, Master's Stele Inscription, Authentic Meteorology, Writing Authenticity

  ——On the Famous Calligrapher Shen Zhiang

  Calligraphy, as an artistic treasure of Chinese culture, needs to bepassed down and innovated in order to achieve new achievementsin contemporary aesthetics. Mr. Shen Zhiang, a famouscontemporary calligrapher, was influenced by the art of his familyand has been fond of calligraphy since childhood. His calligraphyinherits classics and follows the principle of inscriptions to cultivateauthenticity. His brushstrokes are completed in one go, running upand down with ease, and his density is appropriate, embodying thecharm and demeanor of authentic calligraphy. His works haverepeatedly won championships in many competitions and havebeen widely collected, achieving a high artistic status. He is famousin the art world for his dual virtues of virtue and art. Su Shishu, thechairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, felt that hisachievements were extraordinary, and he once wrote long essays, which showed that his calligraphy skills have entered themainstream and are not ordinary people. His calligraphy involvesvarious forms such as regular script, running script, and cursivescript, and he is proficient in understanding the intricacies of eachform of calligraphy. The techniques are highly professional, withnumerous but not superficial books, making it a great tool forextensive research.

  Observing his works, he balances regular script and movement, rejects operator states, and maintains a flying form. Hisbrushstrokes, strokes, and curves are well balanced, and his linesand reflections are intertwined, creating a smooth and dynamicstyle. The heart of the running script is rich in charm. The structurallayout is elegant, broad and upright, like flowing clouds and water, with accurate placement of the center of gravity, like the posture ofdragons and dragons playing in the water. The brushstrokes arevery free and easy, making people feel lively and stunning, stunning my heart! The writing is rigorous, every stroke is takenlightly, every word expresses the exquisite technique of intention, and the elegant charm of running script is reflected in it.

  Shen Zhiang's calligraphy is also his state of mind forself-cultivation. If the pen and ink are detached from the state ofmind, the writing lacks meaning and loses its essence. Therefore, his cursive script reflects the spiritual realm of the mind having spiritin the transformation of black and white, dots and lines. With arefined temperament and extraordinary brushstrokes, there is asense of elegance amidst simplicity and a sense of clarity amidstcontentment. The lines of cursive script are extremely tense andnever lose their elegant style. A stroke of writing is like a gallopinghorse on the grassland, with a carefree and elegant style as well asa majestic and bold spirit. It is smooth and upright, with a strongand reserved tone, and a harmonious heart. The strokes are firmand gentle, adhering to the heart and following the Heavenly Way. The falling flowers and flying snow are boundless and undulatingwithin a stroke, and the wind moves the pear blossoms, forming abeautiful and divine form. It is a master who showcases the soul ofcursive writing.

  The gain from his calligraphy is nothing more than his insight intocalligraphy. His regular script is integrated and connected with thefour schools of regular script, with European regular script as thecore and Yan regular script as the backbone, absorbing thebrilliance of various schools. His brushstrokes are exquisite, andevery time he sees a stroke, it is smooth and unobstructed, cleanand natural, with effective jerks. He goes in and out in one go.

  There is a square pen in both horizontal and vertical directions, anda round pen can be seen when flipped and pressed. It is flexible inscheduling and elegant in appearance. The structure issymmetrical on both sides, looking like a cross, tightening on theleft and stretching on the right, standing as the main trunk, surrounded by perilous and exquisite paths on all sides, withimpeccable rules and regulations. It is clear at a glance, withrigorous laws and regulations, following the calligraphy of the stele, and writing the orthodox style. Calligraphy is not only a competitionof strokes, but also a spiritual sustenance and cultural resonance. Calligraphy has always been the path of the mind and spirit. Onlyby practicing the Dharma and mastering the art of calligraphy canone awaken the true Dharma and write culture with the soul. Mr. Shen Zhiang has a profound cultural cultivation, hones hiscalligraphy, and upholds the responsibility of inheriting culture.

  Therefore, he has mastered the techniques with his hands, mastered the spirit with his heart, and wrote like a person. This is why his family style is clear at a glance!

  Famous Calligraphy and Painting Critic Tian Jixue

  two thousand and twenty