发布时间:2024-03-21 01:15:15 人气:366
安奇帮,1956 年生,陕西长武人。美国亚洲美术家协会荣誉副主席、中国楹联学会副理事长.中央国家机关美术家协会会员、中泰文化大使。他先后师承何海霞、赵无极,巴尔蒂斯。曾在英国皇家艺术学院学习深造。其作品艺术面貌结合中西绘画精华,色彩多变、绘画风格具有极高个人辨识度。他将中国画的写意与西方印象派绘画相结合,开创了“东方意象画派”。中国文联胡振民书记、中国美术评论家邵大箴先生、中国美术家协会徐里先生、法国国家美术协会会长米歇尔金、法国国家美术协会执行主席伊莎贝拉均曾撰文推介安奇帮的艺术成就。
安奇帮曾受法国美协主席米歇尔金的邀请两次在法国卢浮宫办展。英国查尔斯王子收藏安奇帮多幅画作。泰国皇室颁发给他国王勋章,并授予“中泰文化大使”荣誉称号。日本关东美术馆收藏其画作。他的作品在美国纽约艺术节上获金奖。其全英文论著《思想的旋律》全球发行,销售百万册。2022 年在中国国家画院举办个人成就展,2023 年在法国成立个人艺术馆。作品有些上了中华英才杂志。有些上了美国纽约曼哈顿大屏幕。
Anqibang, born in 1956, is from Changwu, Shanxi. Honorary Vice President of the Asian Artists Association of the United States, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Couplet Society, Member of the Central Government Artists Association, and Ambassador of Chinese and Thai Culture. He successively studied under He Haixia, Zhao Wuji, and Bartis. I have studied further at the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK. The artistic features of his works combine the essence of Chinese and Western painting, and his colors are changeable, and his painting style has a high degree of personal recognition. He combined the freehand brushwork of Chinese painting with Western Impressionist painting, creating the "Oriental Imagist Painting School". Secretary Hu Zhenmin of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mr. Shao Dazhen, a Chinese art critic, Mr. Xu Li of the China Artists Association, Michel King, President of the French National Art Association, and Isabella, Executive Chairman of the French National Art Association have all written articles to promote the artistic achievements of the Anqibang.
Anqibang has been invited twice by the Chairman of the French Artists Association, Michel King, to hold exhibitions at the Louvre in France. Prince Charles of England collects multiple paintings from the Angel Gang. The Thai royal family awarded him the King's Medal and awarded him the honorary title of "Ambassador of Chinese Thai Culture". The Kanto Art Museum in Japan collects his paintings. His works won a gold medal at the New York Art Festival in the United States. His all English treatise "The Melody of Thought" has been released globally and sold millions of copies. In 2022, a personal achievement exhibition will be held at the National Academy of Painting in China, and in 2023, a personal art museum will be established in France.Some of the works have been published in the Chinese Talent Magazine. Some have appeared on the big screen in Manhattan, New York, USA.