

发布时间:2024-11-14 16:11:44 人气:136


  2024 金砖国家峰会讨论加强多边主义,促进全球发展。金砖国家扩容后 GDP 比重超 G7,吸引众多发展中国家申请加入。宣言强调合作、公正,推动多边主义发展,金砖国家成为新的全球发展变量。

  The 2024 BRICS Summit discusses strengthening multilateralism and promoting global development.After the expansion of the BRICS countries, their GDP proportion exceeds that of the G7, attracting manydeveloping countries to apply for membership. The declaration emphasizes cooperation, fairness, and promotes the development of multilateralism, makingBRICS countries a new global development variable.



  The purpose of cultural exchanges among BRICS countriesis to promote people to people connectivity,consolidate the foundation of public opinion, and lay a humanistic foundation for economic exchanges and other forms of cooperation among BRICS countries Actively carrying out exchanges and cooperation in the field of humanities is the common aspiration of the BRICS countries. At present, the compilation work has been fully launched, and the participation and collaboration of art masters are important guarantees for completing this major cultural and artistic project.





  Resume of Yu Shouqi

  Graduated from Hunan Normal University, currently a curator at the Hunan Provincial Institute ofCulture and History, and a national first-class artist. Member of Artron China, Member of Hunan ArtistsAssociation, Vice Chairman of Hong Kong ChineseCalligraphers Association, Foreign Academician of theRoyal French Academy of Painting, ForeignAcademician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Art inRussia, Foreign Permanent Art Advisor of the RoyalArts Foundation in the UK, Chinese Intangible CulturalHeritage National Gift Special Supply Calligrapher andPainter, and State Diplomatic Gift Designer. Kurt, anart talent expert from the Ministry of Culture andTourism, invited experts to settle in. National first-classart master of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, outstanding cultural figure of UNESCO, century oldmeritorious artist, world Chinese art leader, andnational art model. Chinese Federation of Literary andArt Heritage Figures, Ambassador for InternationalCommunication of Chinese Culture and Art. Top TenMeritorious Artists of the Republic. Chinese StateGuest Gift Special Offer for Artists. Art researcher atthe Chinese Oriental Culture Research Association. Guest professor of the CCTV program 'Art Inheritance'. Chief expert of the National Art Professional TitleExamination Center. National representative artist inthe art world, chairman of the National People's ArtistsCredit Management Center Committee. HonoraryChairman of the Presidium of the Chinese Society ofModern Culture. Vice President of the WorldIntangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute.


  专业精研 文化盛大——记著名书画家喻寿奇






  央视著名书画评论家 刘振明

  2021 年 8 月 31 日

  Professional and refined research on culturalgrandeur - a record of the famous calligrapher andpainter Yu Shouqi

  The core soul of calligraphy and painting art isculture, with culture as its core. Calligraphy andpainting can carry the message of inheritance andcontinue from ancient to modern times. Without acultural center, books are called craftsmen, andpaintings are also craftsmen. Yu Shouqi, a renownedcontemporary calligrapher and painter, is a virtuousperson who promotes culture through calligraphy andpainting. His calligraphy and painting works are full ofcultural connotations of Eastern aesthetics, which notonly have professional influence, but also have culturalachievements that shock the world. So lingeringbetween his calligraphy and painting works is enoughto witness the revival of traditional culture and gainboundless confidence in the international art space. From this perspective, Mr. Yu's calligraphy andpainting works are a testament to his personal artisticachievements, and also a high standard for theinfluence of the Chinese spirit on the world!

  Yu Lao pays great attention to the study oftechniques in his paintings! Those who have masteredprofessional painting techniques can certainly havethe spirit and spirit of using bone techniques andbrush strokes, adapting to objects and shapes, andadapting to one's heart and hand. There is also a livelyatmosphere of adding colors according to the type, with misty rendering and colors that do not interferewith ink. The delicate dust created by a pond of lotusflowers is not stained, and one day there will be awonderful impression of a clear and elegantatmosphere! You can also draw the rooster to make itlook great, which embodies the Five Virtues and thegrandeur of singing in a prosperous era! In his processof painting, there is no stagnation in his brushwork, and there is always a seamless and smooth expressionof his spirit, which can express the emotional andunrestrained nature of the painting!

  He regards all exquisite techniques as the mainforce for expressing national culture. Creating greenlandscapes can draw inspiration from nature. There isa tradition of transferring and copying ancient styles,but the ultimate goal is to learn from nature ratherthan from people. Painting is not based on powder, but on the true feelings of traveling throughmountains and rivers, expressing a unique connectionwith the spirit of heaven and earth. Therefore, in hispaintings, one can see the grandeur of the toweringpeaks above and the deep valleys below, as well as themajestic charm of the western peaks and the complexcliffs of the east. Such green mountains and waters aretruly livable and picturesque, vividly depicting thepoetic connotations of Chinese mountains and waters. Observing a landscape is like reading a Tang poem orappreciating a Song poem. The clear water surroundsthe mountains, the wind blows and the rain clears. Thecharm of culture is overwhelming, and when viewedand appreciated, it seems as if it is lost in the beauty ofthe world. This is the highest quality that can beenjoyed by both the refined and the popular!

  Mr. Yu draws well and his calligraphy is alsoincredibly exquisite. There are many excellentcalligraphic styles with a wide width, and the full andround thickness of the Qinshan Stele in seal script. LiShu embodies the style of the Han dynasty, with theskill of ten steles, striving for excellence. Kai followsthe Tang style, Yan Jin Liu Gu, and exudes a righteousatmosphere. Especially in cursive writing, there is thefreedom to hold the pen in hand and use it in the heart. It can be completed in one go, with interesting formsof high and low movements of sharp whiskers, as wellas imagery of vast and majestic desert smoke. Writtenwith ink and brush, the intention lies ahead of the pen, with the ultimate shaping of cutting paper in the air. Itcan be transformed into ups and downs at the tip of astroke, or even into a single stroke of brilliance. Expressing the calligraphy lines in a myriad of ways, the most striking is the breathtaking beauty of thewind and rain, and the boundless form and spirit offalling flowers and snow.

  Professional research, grand culture. Whether it iscalligraphy or painting, both are the cultural essencethat Mr. Yu can achieve with his pen. His works arewell-known in China, have a high status abroad, andhave a horizontal posture in the context of the greatintegration of world cultures. Appreciation is amasterpiece, collection is precious, and the works ofmasters are true and not false!

  Famous CCTV calligraphy and painting critic Liu


  August 31, 2021